Boduka Guild Info

Located in Pesvint, from Center Gardens, go w,s,w,s.

Advancement plan : Do not advance as is!! this is just a general outline
Or check this out :  Advance Plan 2

In newbie guild do Fighting, Covert, General and Mental to 5.
Join the guild.
Advance Fighting.Points to 10.
Advance Fighting.Combat to 10.
Advance Fighting.Combat.Melee to 15.
Advance Fighting.Combat.Melee.Sharp/Blunt/Unarmed to 300.
Advance Fighting.Combat.Dodging.Melee to 300.
Do Covert.Stealth to 200 as early as you wish. It will raise a number of levels, and if you have Displace, it will boost your image count.
Before level 25 do Mental and General.
Advance Mental.Corporeal to 10.
Advance Mental.Corporeal.Bio to 15.
Advance Mental.Corporeal.Bio.Self to 25.
Advance Mental.Corporeal.Bio to 25.
Advance Mental.Corporeal to 25.
Advance Mental.Incorporeal to 10.
Advance Mental.Incorporeal.Psi to 15.
Advance Mental.Incorporeal.Psi.Defensive to 25.
Advance Mental.Incorporeal.Psi to 25.
Advance Mental.Incorporael to 25.
Advance Mental to 25.
Advance General.Perception to 200.
Advance General.Searching to 200.
Advance General.Smithing to 10.
Advance General.Smithing.Weapon to 100 or more.
Advance General.Smithing.Armour to 100 or more.
Advance General.Movement to 10.
Advance General.Movement.Sailing to 145 or more at the Sailing Shop.
Advance General.Movement to 100 at the KT Trainer.
Advance General.Movement.Climbing to 100 or more.
Advance General.Lore, General Charisma and General.Evaluation as desired.
Advance Fighting.Combat.Melee to 300.
Advance Fighting.Combat.Dodging to 300.
If you are using sharp or blunt, and you wish to have parrying ability, advance Fighting.Combat.Parry to 300.
If you plan on being an expert with shurikens, advance Fighting.Combat.Range.Thrown to 300, then Fighting.Combat.Range to 300.
Advance Fighting.Combat to 300.
Advance Fighting to 300.
Advance Fighting.Points to 300.
Advance Covert to 200, after doing Covert.Stealth to 200.
Advance Covert.Hiding to 200.
Advance Covert.Thieving.Sleight of Hand to 200.
Advance Covert.Thieving to 200.
Do the remainder of Fighting, Covert, and General as desired.

SKills and Specials

All budoka will start out with the commands :
style, fix, judge
style lets them change their style of combat/movement they can learn up to 7 diferent styles...takes 6 levels to master a style...they can have a max of 13 levels to split between the styles as they advance they will have choices for the commands they will use:

Joining : kick or sweep
level 15 : assault, whirlwind or kata
level 25 : sense or hide/sneak/unhide
level 50 : golden hand( heal ) or cleanse( weak restore )
level 100: evade ( 50% duration shield basically ) or displace( up to 10 images)
level 200: abduct or rift

upon joining they have an effect added to them that will change how muchstyles affect their bonuses...after 1 day it will at 25% of what the stylewouldadd...after 4 days the effect removes itself and the styles will give theirfull bonus

They will also have a property "style_list" added to them...this is the property that saves the styles that they learn from 4 npcs placed in the guild and annexes...raiden, taku, buntaro, and have up to 13 style points that you can split between the types of styles as you takes 6 points to master a style.....
when they use a style it ups their skill_bonus for whatever style they are using by about ( ( fighting level + covert level ) / 2 ) * style level ) / 6 for offense styles and a lower number for the defensive styles...should be about 350 or so for offense and i believe around 1000 for dodging and about 600 for parry...they can use as many styles as they know at once the number will reduce the bonus ...soif they are using 2 styles the bonus for the skills those 2 affect will be cutin half.

Budoka Styles and Locations
Raw Code

  - From Mashemar Notes, May, 2001
	An unarmed special attack.  This is their best attack.  It no longer
        has a knockout capability but it stuns your opponent.  While stunned,   
        your opponent will be unable to cast a spell or use a special attack.
        The stun capability is not automatic, there is a percentage chance 
	of this effect for assault.

	This is a weapons apecial attack; either sharp or blunt.  Its
        similar to strike but it is slower.

	This is the Budoka area attack using weapons.  I have not heard many
        good things about whirlwind.

     Which One:
	In Mashemars opinion, Assault is the best Budoka special attack due
        to the stun capability.
	I like the idea of Kata, but since it was downgraded around the Jan
        2001, I have not heard many good thinks about it.  I personally am
        going to try it with my next Budoka.  Assault is the most difficult 
        to advance at low levels because it runs off unarmed. Kata would be 
        the easiest to advance at low levels.

     Mashemar's Advancing NOTES :

        At low levels I always XPed with a rainbowed claymore because it did
        more damage than bare hands and the Bagh Nakhs(save level ~40) did 
        not save.   I bought Platemail in Pesvint Armoury which 
	actually protected very good at low level, well once it was
        enchanted.  I used the platemail until the Black Leather Armour 
        from the guild save (around level 40).  Once you get the Black Leather
        Armour, get it rainbowed and use it till Breastplate (from Valkrie)
        As the Great Wise One Charredsoul always said "Wear All The FUCKING
        Armour You Can, It Makes A Difference".  Refer to the Newbie Section
        for save level 0 armours.  I used the Claymore till around level 80,
        then i did not see any difference between meleeing with a Rainbowed
        Claymore, or 2 Blazing Bagh Naghs.  Once beyond level 80, only use 
        the Bagh Nakhs.  I will try some maxxed swords when I max and figure
        out the difference in melee between a 2 handed weapon, 2 one handed
        weapons, and unarmed.  

	Last Note:
	the other good thing about assault is that you can use it when you
        are holding weapons.  I have noticed that my assault is a little 
        better when I have no weapons in my hands - including the Bagh Nakhs.

                     Mashemar - The Dwarf with BIG NUTTS, Slayer of Modano,
                                Xullraes Pimp, and Bitch Slapper of Baltic

Guild Armour

Name: Helm of the Four Winds
Type: Helm
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 10
AC: S35/20, P35/20, B35/20, E10/20, Air20/30
Money: 1 PC, 4 GC
Weight: 60
Enchanted: N

Name: Black Obi
Type: Belt
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 50
AC: S20/10, P20/10, B20/10
Money: 8 SC, 6 CC
Weight: 28
Enchanted: N

Name: Black Mask
Type: Mask
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 0
AC: S10/10, P10/10, B10/10
Money: 5 SC, 1 CC
Weight: 15
Enchanted: N

Name: Black Leather Bracers
Type: Bracers
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 25
AC: S20/30, P20/30, B20/30
Money: 1 GC, 3 SC
Weight: 45
Enchanted: N

Name: Armour of the Shadows
Type: Armour
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 40
AC: Sdex/dex*3, Bdex/dex*3-5, Pdex/dex*3-10, Mdex, Fdex
Money: 3 PC
Weight: 60
Enchanted: No, but when you judge the armour it'll be crappy, but when
you wear it, the above AC conditions apply.

Name: Kobushi Body Armour
Type: Armour
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 150
AC: S45/25, P35/35, B45/40
Money: 8 PC
Weight: 350
Enchanted: N

Name: Cloak of Nekekami
Type: Cloak
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 60
AC: S20/30, B20/30, P20/30, C10/20
Money: 1 GC, 4 SC
Weight: 45
Enchanted: N

Name: Field Armour
Type: Armour
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 50
AC: S30/30, B30/20, P30/25
Money: 8 GC
Weight: 150
Enchanted: N

Name: Black Gi
Type: Shirt
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 0
AC: S20/30, B20/20, P20/25, C10/20
Money: 1 GC, 2 SC
Weight: 37
Enchanted: N

Name: Black Leather Armour
Type: Armour
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 70
AC: Sprot, Bprot-10, Pprot-5, Mdex/dex, Fdex/dex
Money: 12 GC
Weight: 50
Enchanted: No, but the above AC again applies when you wear it.
And prot=(Dex*5)+15. If prot > 150, prot=150. How do you hit 150? Racial Bonuses.

Name: Black Belt
Type: Belt
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 15
AC: NONE, just carry it.
Money: 8 GC
Weight: 5
Enchanted: No, but can Check belt, Shuriken, toss, Insert (item)
The number of itmes you can carry is dependant on your ??. You have to
wear it in order to use it.

Name: Tabi Boots
Type: Boots
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 20
AC: S15/30, B15/30, P15/30
Money: 8 SC, 5 CC
Weight: 28
Enchanted: N

Guild Weapons

Skill:, min 100
Name: Bamboo Diato
Location: Guild

Save lvl: 50

Limbs: 1 or 2
Dmg: S90/10, S80/10, 2 handed P75/5
Hit: S110/15, S100/15, 2 handed P95/5
Money: 14 GC
Weight: 140
Special:To change grips use 'hands (1 || 2)

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.blunt
Name: Bokken
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 15
Limbs: 2
Dmg: B100/10, B50
Hit: B90/10, B75
Money: ??
Weight: 180

Skill:, min 100
Name: Emerald Katana
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 50
Limbs: 1 or 2
Dmg: S90/10, S80/10, 2 handed P75/5
Hit: S110/10, S100/10, 2 handed 95/15
Money: 14 GC
Weight: 140
Special:To change grips use 'hands (1 || 2), Enchant +5

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.blunt
Name: Jo Staff
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 35
Limbs: 1?
Dmg: B95/15, B80/15
Hit: B105/15, 105/15
Money: 5 GC
Weight: 40

Name: Ebony Katana
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 20
Limbs: 2
Dmg: S100/10, S80/5
Hit: S90/10, S90/5
Money: 8 GC
Weight: 100

This Item might not be in play, I can't tell without some feedback.
Skill: fighting.combat.melee.unarmed
Name: Bagh Nakh
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 15
Limbs: 1
Dmg: S100, S75/15
Hit: S100/15, S130/20
Money: 5 SC
Weight: 40

Name: Naginata
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 65
Limbs: 2
Dmg: S90/12, S90/8, S50/5
Hit: S130/12, S100/8, S65/5
Money: 4 GC, 5 SC
Weight: 150

Name: Ebony Ninja-to
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 65
Limbs: 1
Dmg: S100/20, S80/10, P65/10
Hit: S120/25, S100/15, P80/10
Money: 10 GC
Weight: 130

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.blunt
Name: Nunchakus
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 20
Limbs: 1
Dmg: B100/10, B70/5
Hit: B80/10, B120
Money: 4 GC, 5 SC
Weight: 70

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.unarmed
Name: Budoka Shoge
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 65
Limbs: 2
Dmg: B90/1, P70/1
Hit: B70/1, P70/1
Money: 12 SC
Weight: 40
Special: entangle MONSTER, whats it do? Maybe weak form of engulf...

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.unarmed
Name: Black Leather Spike-Glove
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 0
Limbs: 1
Dmg: P85/10, B85/10
Hit: P80/10, B80/10
Money: 2 GC
Weight: 30

Skill:, min 300
Name: Serpent Tachi
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 220
Limbs: 2
Dmg: S100/25, S90/25, P75/10, S45/10
Hit: S110/25, S100/25, P80/40, S90/10
Money: 75 GC
Weight: 125

Skill: fighting.combat.melee.unarmed
Name: Tonfa
Location: Guild
Save lvl: 40
Limbs: 1?
Dmg: B195/5, B75
Hit: B110/20, B120/10
Money: 9 GC
Weight: 60